How to Top-Up TCash for Any Payment Methods: The Easiest Way

cara isi tcash

Artikel diperbarui pada 12 January 2024.

Among many electronic payment tools known today, TCash was the first to be recognized. The easy way to top up TCash convinced many people to switch to electronic wallets in its time.

TCash can be said to be a trendsetter for the use of non-cash payments, which was recently promoted by Bank Indonesia. By utilizing its prestige and its many customers, TCash has succeeded in becoming the user’s mainstay eWallet.

TCash at a glance

TCash is one of the electronic payment tools that is widely used by its users. This TCash electronic wallet itself was launched by a very large telephone provider company, PT Telkomsel. When Bank Indonesia promoted the GNNT program, Telkomsel launched an electronic wallet program called TCash wallet.

Because Telkomsel already has many customers, it is not difficult for TCash to attract customers. This TCash product is specialized for all Telkomsel customers.

TCash makes ownership of Telkomsel Prepaid and Postpaid cards to be able to enjoy TCash services. Then, TCash can be used for any type of payment you want to make.

How to Top Up TCash Offline

At the beginning of TCash’s release, many users doubted the ease of use of this electronic payment tool. However, TCash immediately proved its convenience with a very diverse and easy way to top up TCash. Here are some options for how to top up TCash:

1. Buy at a Retail Store

The first way to top up TCash is arguably the most affordable way, which is through retail stores. Now, which areas in Indonesia are not covered by retail stores? The existence of so many retail stores makes them easy to find. TCash customers only need to get a TCash wallet top up token from the TCash app.

Then, just visit one of the retail stores that the user trusts. Prepare cash to be able to redeem the payment for this top up. There are so many retail stores that already serve TCash top up. All Indomaret, Alfamart, and AlfaMidi that can be found usually already serve TCash charging. Just show the token to the cashier and make a payment to enter the TCash balance.

2. Come to GraPARI

It is not a Telkomsel service if it cannot be completed at GraPARI. Because TCash is also part of PT Telkomsel’s services, GraPARI will also serve customers who need services for TCash. One of them is to top up the TCash balance.

To be able to top up at GraPARI, the service is equipped with a Kiosk machine. This machine allows TCash balance top-ups to be done independently. Charging through the TCash machine at GraPARI also supports various methods. Users can use TCash stickers or QR codes. In addition, using the MSISDN method can also be done by phone number only.

How to Top Up TCash Using Bank Services

Not only can you top up your balance offline by visiting GraPARI or buying it at retail stores, but you can also utilize bank services. Here are some ways to top up TCASH that you need to know, among others:

1. BRI Bank

One of the conventional banks that support TCash top-ups is Bank BRI. TCash users can easily complete payments for balance top-ups only from various services owned by Bank BRI. Bank BRI is one of TCash’s partners to become a non-cash payment platform.

Therefore, BRI is one of the solutions for how to top up TCash that is widely chosen by TCash users who use BRI. If asked what methods are supported to top up TCash through BRI, users can choose ATM transfers or use Mobile Banking services. BRI Virtual Account can also be created to facilitate this transaction.

2. BCA Bank

Another alternative that users can do to top up their TCash balance is through BCA Bank. This method is definitely needed by TCash users who are BCA customers. Like BRI, BCA is also a partner of Telkomsel to facilitate payments for topping up TCash balances.

Therefore, users can easily transfer a number of funds from their BCA account to the TCash account they are using. For the service, all types of BCA services can be used to top up the balance. Starting from charging from ATMs or from BCA digital platforms. Users can also request a BCA Virtual account number to settle the payment.

3. Bank Mandiri

The third bank that also supports TCash balance top-up is Bank Mandiri. Many Bank Mandiri customers also use TCash. With this partnership, Mandiri customers certainly feel very helpful, right? From a Bank Mandiri account, users can directly make payment transactions to TCash.

Just a few easy steps and the TCash balance owned by the user can be filled immediately. User freedom is also supported by various payment methods. Users can choose to pay via ATM or directly from Bank Mandiri internet banking. Clearly, everything is definitely easy.

4. BNI Bank

Financial services provided by Bank BNI are also one of the methods that support TCash balance top-up. This method is intended for BNI customers who use TCash as their electronic wallet. Just like the previous banks, BNI allows TCash users to top up from various available services.

Starting from ATM transfers to Bank BNI digital services. This makes Bank BNI customers who use TCash do not need to worry when they have to make payments. With a few easy steps and no admin fees, users can top up their TCash balance.

5. CIMB Niaga Bank

Bank CIMB Niaga has also expanded its services by partnering with PT Telkomsel. Now, Bank CIMB Niaga has supported its customers to top up the TCash balance from the CIMB Niaga account.

CIMB Niaga customers will certainly be able to find where the CIMB Niaga ATM is located to top up the TCash balance. Because CIMB Niaga is not yet supported by digital services, this transaction is limited to topping up the balance through CIMB Niaga ATMs.

6. Panin Bank

The last one is charging through Panin Bank ATMs. Panin Bank also has many customers, some of whom are TCash electronic money users. Therefore, topping up the balance from Panin Bank will certainly be very easy. Panin Bank’s services for topping up this balance are focused on ATM machine services.

So, to top up your TCash balance, use the most accessible ATM machine. Don’t forget to visit Panin Bank ATMs to support this transaction. Unfortunately, Panin Bank does not yet provide digital transaction services.

Panin Bank customers can only go to Panin Bank ATMs to complete payments. But tenan alone, this method is still very easy of course.


That’s all the discussion about how to top up TCash, which is the initiator of electronic money in Indonesia. TCash proves to users that electronic money is not difficult at all.

This is evident from the fact that it supports various payment methods according to user affordability. All the methods discussed above have their own convenience. TCash users just have to choose according to which method is the most convenient for filling TCash. Easy payment, sure to work, and immediately ready to use.

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