Nobu Bank: Digital Bank with Savings and Loan Services

Nobu Bank

Artikel diperbarui pada 17 May 2024.

Nobu Bank is an Indonesian digital bank established in 2020. The bank was founded by Michael Widjaja, co-founder of PT Bank Harda Internasional, who has more than 25 years of experience in the banking industry in Indonesia.

Nobu Bank carries the concept of a digital bank that is easier, faster, and safer for its customers.

What is Nobu Bank? Get to Know the Digital Bank Established in 2020

Nobu Bank is a digital bank established in 2020. It was founded by Michael Widjaja, who is also the co-founder of PT Bank Harda Internasional, a more than 25-year-old bank operating in Indonesia.

Michael Widjaja founded Nobu Bank with a vision to become an innovative and modern digital bank, by presenting the latest banking technology to meet the needs of customers in today’s digital era.

Nobu Bank aims to facilitate access to banking for Indonesians, especially millennials who want more practical and efficient banking services.

Nobu Bank itself is a subsidiary of PT Nobu Ventura Indonesia, which is an investment company engaged in technology.

PT Nobu Ventura Indonesia was established in 2017 and focuses on investing in the technology sector, especially start-ups and technology companies that are innovative and have the potential to grow.

In a relatively short period of time, Nobu Bank has successfully obtained a license from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to operate as a digital bank in Indonesia.

Nobu Bank has also obtained licenses from Visa and Mastercard as credit and debit card issuers, allowing customers to use Nobu Bank ATM cards worldwide.

Currently, Nobu Bank has managed to reach more than 100 thousand customers in a relatively short time. Nobu Bank strives to continue to bring the latest innovations and technology in its banking services, so as to provide a better and more efficient banking experience for its customers.

With its ownership by PT Nobu Ventura Indonesia, Nobu Bank has the financial strength and strong technological support to continue to grow and become one of the leading digital banks in Indonesia.

Although it was only established in 2020, Nobu Bank has successfully demonstrated its enormous potential in bringing modern and efficient digital banking services to the people of Indonesia.

Types of Banking Products from Nobu Bank

Nobu Bank offers various banking products that can be used by its customers. Here are some of the products from Nobu Bank.

1. Nobu Savings

Nobu Savings is a savings product from Nobu Bank. Customers can open this savings with a minimum balance of IDR 50,000 and can save and withdraw easily through the Nobu Bank application.

It also comes with attractive features such as free transfer to fellow Nobu Bank and free ATM card replacement service.

2. Nobu Giro

Nobu Giro is a current account product offered by Nobu Bank. Customers can open this checking account with a minimum balance of IDR 100,000.

Nobu Giro comes with features such as free transfer to fellow Nobu Bank, free ATM card replacement service, and choice of ATM card type between Visa or Mastercard.

3. Nobu Deposito

Nobu Deposit is a time deposit product offered by Nobu Bank. Customers can choose tenors ranging from 1 month to 12 months with competitive interest rates.

This deposit also comes with features such as deposit withdrawal before maturity at an affordable fee and SMS notification service.

4. Nobu Loan

Nobu Loan is a loan product from Nobu Bank that can be used by customers to fulfill their financial needs.

Customers can apply for loans ranging from Rp 1 million to Rp 50 million with a tenor of 6 to 36 months. The loan application process is very easy, just fill out the application form and wait for approval.


Nobu Bank is a digital bank that offers various banking products that can be used by customers. With the concept of an easy, fast, and secure digital bank, Nobu Bank allows its customers to conduct banking transactions online through the Nobu Bank app. Banking products offered by Nobu Bank such as Nobu Savings, Nobu Giro, Nobu Deposit, and Nobu Loan can help customers meet their financial needs easily and quickly. With the development of technology, digital banks such as Nobu Bank will be increasingly needed by the public to facilitate banking transactions.

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