How to Cash out Mandiri e-Money: Terms and Conditions

Cara Mencairkan E Money Mandiri Syarat dan Ketentuan

Artikel diperbarui pada 21 September 2023.

Have an e money account from Bank Mandiri, and want to cash out the e money. Don’t worry, see the following review. Where this review contains how to cash out e money Mandiri is certainly easy.

If seen from the receipt page from Bank Mandiri, e money is a payment instrument in the form of an electronic money card. To get it, you must first deposit some money into the card.

E money service is one of the payment card options that can be utilized for payment.A variety of non-cash transactions can be made e.g. accessing public services such as trains, buses, parking, etc..

How to Move e Money Balance to Mandiri Personal Account

The first way that can be done to cash out the Mandiri e money balance is to move it first in a personal account. Here’s how to cash out e money MandirI see the full review.

In reality, there is no way to withdraw the balance from e money. Instead, your e money balance can be used to top up credit, pay electronic tolls, and pay for other services.

Here are ways that can be used to cash out e Money by moving it to a personal account first. Here is the review:

  • First find the nearest store that accepts e money payments using EDC machines.
  • Make sure that the EDC machine used is in accordance with the bank listed on the e money card
  • Next, you can ask the shop or cashier to do gestun e money and they will process the transaction.
  • After that, tap the e money card on the EDC machine and wait for the process.
  • E money balance is then deducted and can ask the cashier to immediately transfer to the account or withdraw cash.
  • Wait for the process to be completed and e Money can be transferred and disbursed and can be used for cash payments.

Keep in mind that this method will be charged a fee of 5% of the nominal e money that you want to transfer to your account or cash out. So you must also prepare cash to complete the process.

Move First to the Fund Number You Have Then Transfer to Mandiri Account

There is another way that can be done to cash out Mandiri e money. That is to first transfer it to the Fund number you have. Below is how to cash out Mandiri e money:

  • First, you must have a premium Bukalapak account and a premium Dana account that are connected to each other.
  • After that, open the application from Bukalapak, select the “Top Up and Recharge” menu then click “Top Up Dana” and enter the nominal you want to fill.
  • Make sure that you have enough balance to top up.
  • After that, continue the payment by choosing the desired payment method.
  • Use the payment method through Indomaret outlets. Click on the Indomaret outlet and select “Pay with Outlet”.
  • Then go to the Indomaret outlet and tell them that you want to pay your Bukalapak bill using e money
  • Show the payment code to the cashier to make the transaction.
  • Once paid, you will receive two receipts, namely a receipt from Indomaret and a receipt from e money.
  • Next, check your Dana balance. Your Dana balance will increase after topping up.
  • Retransfer Dana balance to your Mandiri personal account.
  • Then open the Dana application, select the “Dana balance” section, select “send”, select the destination account.
  • Next, enter the amount you want to send, enter the PIN and the transaction is successful.

If it has entered the Mandiri account number, of course, it can be taken at the nearest Mandiri ATM. It can also be transferred other than to the Mandiri account owned, for example if you have BCA or BRI can be used.

Check Balance with Livin’ by Mandiri App

If you want to know the balance of Mandiri e money, you can use the Livin’ application from Mandiri. Below to find out the amount of e money balance:

  • Install if you don’t have the Livin’ by Mandiri application if you have opened the application.
  • Then login with your existing account in order to log in to the previous app.
  • If successfully logged in it will be directed on the main page of the application.
  • On the main page, find and select the menu that says “e money” to open payment services using an e money card.
  • Then, on the next page, select the “View/Update Balance” option to view the current balance information available on the card.
  • Then tap the e money card provided by the Livin’ by Mandiri app to read the e money card information.
  • Then, on the next page, select the “Update Balance” option to update the balance on the e money card.
  • During the balance update process, make sure not to lift or move the e money card from the designated place.

That was how to find out the amount of Mandiri e money balance. If the process is complete, update the balance in e money through Livin’ by Mandiri quickly and practically.

General Terms and Conditions of Use of e Money Mandiri

Below are some general terms and conditions that must be understood by Mandiri e money users. There are several points that must be understood, here are the general terms and conditions:

  • When owning Mandiri e money, of course, it cannot be transferred to any party, but can only be used to make transactions.
  • The use of Mandiri e money does not require a password number or signature from the cardholder.
  • Furthermore, the Mandiri e Money Card has no limit on its own validity period.
  • The limit of using Mandiri e Money is a minimum transaction of zero rupiah while the maximum balance is two million rupiah.
  • In doing top up mandiri e money depends on previous agreement.
  • When going to top up that can be used, including Bank Mandiri branch offices, Livin’ by Mandiri, and others.
  • The cardholder is responsible for the storage, security and use of the card.
  • No manipulation, copying, or alteration of the original design of the card is permitted.
  • Transaction data and mandiri e money balances that have been stored are valid proof of transactions.
  • Independent parties have the right to stop mandiri e money services in stopping card services if something untoward happens.
  • If there is card or service maintenance, it will be notified through official means for card users.
  • When doing the process of returning the balance of e money will not be charged an administrative fee, aka free.

The terms and conditions above must be understood for cardholders or owners of Bank Mandiri e money. If you experience problems or the balance is suddenly deducted, please contact the Mandiri call center immediately.

That was two ways to cash out Mandiri e money that can be done by transferring first and then taken to the nearest ATM. There is also a way to find out the e Money balance from Mandiri.

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