3 Ways to Deactivate BRI SMS Banking if You Don’t Use It Anymore

cara menonaktifkan sms banking bri

BRI SMS Banking, being one of the BRI bank features that is widely used when issued. However, how to disable BRI SMS Banking can be done easily because it is effective. SMS Banking was slowly abandoned. But of course there are reasons behind the abandonment of SMS Banking services that were once a mainstay of this service. But take it easy because many users leave SMS Banking could be because there are more sophisticated platforms. This article will discuss more.

Deactivate BRI SMS Banking in Three Different Ways

If BRI SMS Banking is deemed no longer used, SMS Banking can be deactivated. How to deactivate BRI SMS Banking is also not difficult. The three options below can be done according to your convenience:

1. Contact BRI Call Center

Contacting the BRI call center can be the simplest way to disable BRI SMS Banking. Customers can make regular calls that will be charged at regular call rates. Here are the steps that must be taken to get service through the call center:

  • Calls to the BRI call center are made using the mobile phone service available on the phone.
  • To be able to make calls for a while, make sure your phone’s cellular network has a stable quality.
  • Log in to the mobile phone service on the phone.
  • Bring up the dial button and enter the BRI call center number.
  • Customers can enter the number 14017 or 1500017 as an alternative.
  • Once the phone is connected, the call center officer will be connected and ready to serve whatever the customer’s interest is.
  • If the officer asks, the customer must convey the importance of deactivating his BRI SMS Banking.
  • The officer will ask several questions, related to customer identity and account data that will be turned off SMS Banking.
  • The data mentioned by the customer will be inputted into the computer by the officer, so that it goes directly into the system.
  • The officer will repeat the data entered so that all customer data is correct.
  • Afterward, the officer will upload the data and the deactivation of BRI SMS Banking will be processed immediately.
  • Within a few moments, the correct data will be verified and SMS Banking deactivation will be approved.
  • BRI SMS Banking will automatically shut down and can no longer be used.

2. Visit a BRI ATM

If the first way to deactivate BRI SMS Banking does not work, customers can still choose another way, namely by visiting a BRI ATM. Through existing ATM machines, users can deactivate SMS Banking with just the following steps:

  • This deactivation of BRI SMS Banking is done through the most accessible BRI ATM.
  • Customers need to bring their ATM card as well as their passbook and proof of identity to make it easier when entering the requested identity.
  • At the ATM machine, insert the ATM card and select the language preference for the entire service.
  • Enter the correct PIN according to the registered PIN.
  • If the PIN is correct, the main screen will open directly to the cash withdrawal amount.
  • All you have to do is press the other transaction option as this transaction is not for taking out cash.
  • On the other transaction menu, customers must press the other transaction menu once again to find the registration menu.
  • Options will appear and at the top, click on the registration menu.
  • From a selection of registration options, customers can choose from SMS Banking and mobile banking.
  • Select SMS Banking, then click stop.
  • enter the PIN once more and agree to the termination.
  • For a few moments, the request will be processed.
  • If SMS Banking is successfully deactivated, a notification that SMS Banking has been deactivated will be sent.

3. Visit BRI Branch Office

This highly successful method involves visiting a BRI branch office. Although you have to take your time, this process is definitely successful. For that, customers can follow the flow of the following steps:

  • Visit the most accessible BRI branch office with your passbook and ID.
  • When you arrive at the branch office, tell them the purpose of your visit and the services you require.
  • The officer will give you a queue number and you can wait until your turn comes.
  • When it’s your turn, visit the CS and tell them you want to deactivate SMS Banking.
  • Later, the officer will ask the customer to complete the data and show the passbook.
  • The data will be input into the computer and uploaded for verification of SMS Banking service deactivation.
  • If it is successful, the CS will notify that BRI SMS Banking has been successfully deactivated.

Why do many customers abandon SMS banking?

After listening to the discussion on how to disable BRI SMS Banking, the question must arise as to why some people choose to disable SMS Banking. Some of the following reasons could be the cause of BRI customers leaving SMS Banking:

1. Less Practical

The first reason, usually BRI customers stop SMS Banking services is because SMS Banking services are less practical. For each service you want, you have to send one message. If you want another service, you have to send another message. In addition, the services provided by BRI SMS Banking are limited. This makes the services obtained from BRI SMS Banking not optimal. Customers certainly do not want this to happen, when expecting maximum service from SMS Banking.

2. Relatively Expensive Cost

For each service you want to use, one SMS must be sent. If you want to use another service, you have to send more SMS, right? Therefore, using the SMS Banking service is a bit difficult. The tariff charged is for one message only. If you want to make multiple transactions, you have to be ready to be charged multiple times. Although it is not expensive, but the cost of multiple transactions will still be burdensome.

3. Prone to Signal Interference

Since SMS Banking is a mobile phone-based short message service, it requires a strong network signal to use it. If not then, the SMS sent will be constrained to be able to arrive. Not to mention when waiting for the answer to information from BRI. A bad signal will also prevent the message from reaching the customer’s cellphone. If the conditions are in a hurry, of course things like this are not desirable, right?

4. Risk of Eavesdropping or Fraud

SMS services are often the target of eavesdropping and fraud. There are still many people who believe in these scams and suffer huge losses. Moreover, fraud on behalf of BRI Bank. For this reason, many choose to leave BRI SMS Banking. For security reasons, SMS Banking is disabled to stop incoming SMS and the possibility of eavesdropping.

5. Users Switch to Mobile Banking or Internet Banking

Finally, BRI has now complemented its services with BRI Mobile and Internet Banking. When compared to SMS Banking, this service is easier to use, and all services will be centralized through one site or application for all services. Customers only need an internet network to be able to get all the services available. The costs incurred will also be cheaper, because users do not need to pay multiple times.


That’s all the discussion about how to deactivate BRI SMS Banking. If SMS Banking is deemed not to provide maximum benefits, deactivating SMS banking can certainly be done at any time.

This is to prevent notifications from SMS Banking that are not needed. Especially if you already use M Banking BRI which has more complete service features. SMS Banking can be left without fear of missing information.

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